I’m going to go by Juniper, or June if you’d prefer and this is my first post. I’m not going to go into detail about how my best friend inspired this or how I think my mom and our family would love this. I’m just going to get into what I have to say.
I am a 21 year old girly. My favorite show is Bojack Horseman and as of now I've been on my fourth time rewatching it. (Seriously though if you ever get it into your head to watch it please do. It’s my favorite for a reason.) But the point of this post is not to talk about my obsession with this show. What I really want to get into is content.
Whether you’re choosing to watch it or create it, it is always accessible. Either on your phone through an app or on your nearest screen. What ever way you chose to consume It’s there and it goes both ways. Tik Tok is one of the biggest ways to create and consume content, people have created and made billions just through that one app. It is so prevalent in the modern day age and I’d argue that people are often consuming more than creating.
After stating that “bold” statement what I really want to get into is this. My mom and I made an agreement. I said I would finally download tik tok if she would watch the first 6 episodes of Bojack. (Previously mentioned favorite show) I left for a week, came back and turned out she watched them and then I was faced with getting a tik tok account. Something I dreaded doing but sure enough she hated the show and I had to get the account.
So, it kind of begged the question. If I’m faced with adding more content into my life why don’t I start creating it. It’s been said a few different times by different people. (personally I’ve only ever seen Youtubers talk about it) But I think that theres still a point to be made. It's that you can produce content or you can consume it. There is nothing wrong with consuming something obviously I believe that (as a reader you are consuming this). But when you are creating content and creating something for other people to watch, learn, or laugh at then you are using more brain power. You are actively making choices and hopefully by the end of it you are proud or like what you’ve created. I don't want to sound high and mighty, I'm just trying to say that yes watching or reading everything around is amazing. It’s good for the creators and depending what you like informational to yourself. But creating is good and healthy for you too. It’s fun it allows for a creative outlet and a hobby.
I guess the moral of this small post is just that if you’re thinking about that video you want to make, or that book you want to write do so. You’re giving yourself something fun to do, something light, and a hobby.
Lots of love, June.
Ps: here’s my dreaded Tik Tok account if you wanted to follow me.
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