So I've never been good with bios or even introductions but sure enough I'm going to try. Hi my name is Juniper, you can call me Jay if you'd prefer, that's what my family calls me at least. If you have happened to stumble across this webpage. Then let me be the first to tell you Welcome. To my bullshit of nonsensical brain material that I am calling My Blog. Original I know but I have things to say opinions to write about so if you happen to get curious about what I am all about. Click or tap to my first post called "Creating Content?" Here's to my blog. 

If I could tell you the most accurate representation of what this is about then I would say that it is my personal guide to happiness. It's what I've learned and what I've experienced to be happy, and other thoughts or feelings but the main theme is about happiness. 

If you ever want to talk to me, best way is through Tik Tok or Instagram, feel free to do so, I'd love to hear feedback!

Here are some photos I've taken :)